Sometimes, I like to put a photo of important information that we covered in class from the blackboard.  Here’s a photo of the board today with information we talked about.  (Writing assignment due date changed, sentence starters for writing assignment, and the acronym CASI and what it stands for in our reading assessment).

(Most computers will allow an enlarged view if it’s hard to read from the photo)


We are working on summarizing details from narratives (e.g. our novel “Mr. Karp’s Last Glass”).  Here is a summary that we worked on about chapter 4, which was a short chapter to begin with.

“Randolph and his family are beginning to feel O.K. about their boarder, Mr. Karp.  Mr. Karp has proven to be odd, but is quiet and respectful.  Randolph still has to admit that he’s a little bit afraid of speaking to him.”


We are working on building good paragraphs as writers.   For example, here is one from the blackboard that we built together, complete with editing.

We also talked about how a paragraph is like a good sandwich.  Here is what we drew into our writing journals to remind us.


Welcome, new grade five class!

Hello and welcome to my new class and to their family members who read my blog.  This blog is mostly a ‘back-up’ for our agendas that we fill out at Minesing School.  It has information about what’s going on in class, sometimes will include photos of class work and lists homework assignments and special due dates, etc.  Until I figure out how to delete last year’s blog posts, please consider this my first post and everything below it from another time!

With that said, here’s some Math assignments that we’ve been working on.

Text:  Page 25 “Do You Remember?”

Text: Page 30 #4 a, b,  #5 a-d #6 a, b #7 a) and c)

Text:  Page 34 (just started) We did A-D together, then #3, #4 #6 and #7

Grade Five Party

Both grade five classes have planned to have a “Sporty Twin” themed party on Monday.  Mrs. T and myself will simply supervise as we join classes (the grade sixes are going to Hardwood Hills) in the middle of the day.  Some students have planned to bring snacks and drinks to share as well.