Due Thursday

For homework, please try number one and two on our math sheet “Rounding Decimals”.  Remember:  you can round hundredths up or down to decimal tenths on the number line.  Use the rule of 5.

Remember to share your math tests at home and get them signed or initialled, please.

For Wednesday, Oct 2/13

Tomorrow is Day Two here at Minesing.  Our timetable says it’s time for Art.  We’ll spend some time making Wendat drums. See link below.  If you have any special decorations at home that remind you of First Nations culture, you can bring them to decorate the drums we’ll make. 

If anybody can find feathers, bring them!  If anyone can find straight sticks (not huge branches!) bring them for beating the drums. 

I will be searching for large balloons to act as our “animal hide”.



Math Sheet, Mucho due, Timetable

Tomorrow, we have a math sheet due.  It’s called “Decimal Hundredths”.

Mucho Burrito orders are due tomorrow!  The yellow order sheets that went home said “due Oct 14” but that was a typo…

I’ve posted our timetable as a link in a page on top of my blog.  There are one or two changes from the sheets printed out last week at the “meet the teacher” night.

Our trip tomorrow

We are heading to Midland tomorrow to Sainte Marie Among the Hurons.  Students should bring a lunch.  The bus is scheduled to leave Minesing Central at 9:20 a.m.  We plan to be back before the final bell at 3:30 p.m.


Our test tomorrow is focused on the lessons aboutn handling whole numbers up to the ten thousands (5 digits) in the Nelson Math text: Chapter Two.

These lessons especially:

Lesson 2 “Reading and Writing Numbers”

Lesson 4 “Comparing and Ordering Numbers”

Lesson 5 “Rounding Numbers”

I’ve sent a test review sheet home and I’ve told students that they can bring a text book home overnight if they’d like to review the above lessons at home.

Mr. M


For Wednesday…

1.  Math Sheet (Base Ten) is due (both sides)

2.  Students, don’t forget:  You can bring a refillable water bottle to have on your desk.

3.  Announcement:  Later (probably in September) the grade fives in Minesing are going on a field trip to St. Marie Among the Hurons in Midland.  This will be to support the revised curriculum in Social Studies.

Checklist for Timelines

We worked on the “Timeline About Me” again today.  Students are completing this simple task.  A mark out of ten will be assigned based on the following checklist:

1)  Does it have a unique TITLE?

2)  Did you use NEATNESS?  (e.g. a straight line, etc)

3)  Do you have a DATE for each year of your life?

4)  Did you create a unique SYMBOL for each event on the line?

5)  Did you write brief EXPLANATIONS for each event on the line?

If not yet done, I will be assigning the timeline as homework on Monday, due back to me for Tuesday.  – Mr. M…

Last Day…

Tomorrow is the last day!  We plan to keep it very simple.  Some students want to bring in snacks, etc for sharing.  There should be lots for everyone.  We’ll do some final things together in the morning, have an assembly at about 11:30 (should be a long assembly, so do your stretching beforehand!) and then spend the last part of the day outside with some fun fitness.

Thanks for your efforts this year.  I hope everyone’s family has a memorable summer.  See you in the fall….one thing is for sure, I’ll be in the portable!

Week of June 17th

A busy week is coming up!  On Monday, our plan is to spend a period or two for art sprucing up our art cabinet with graffiti style art.  We talked briefly today about how graffiti style can be used in positive ways so that it’s not called vandalism.  On Thursday, we’ll celebrate our Ancient Studies unit from Social Studies by playing “Ancient Pathways”, a game we’ve developed together that will feature the class’ trivia questions from research, ancient games like “Trigon” from ancient Rome, and other fun activities as we dream them up! 

Students are in groups of three for “Ancient Pathways” and have decided they’d like to bring in a small “treasure” from each group (things like candy or an old toy that gets no attention at home anymore).  The group that earns the most points during our celebration will win it all!