Math test Tuesday

The math test for Tuesday is about using intervals on a bar graph.  Don’t forget, first you find the range, then you divide the range by the number of bars you want (round the range to something divisible) and then your answer to the division question is going to be the size of your interval.  Remember that each interval is to be the same size.  Count out the numbers on your hand if necessary and make certain the the highest and lowest values from your data set can be represented in the intervals that you “build”.  A good example was from lesson 4 in the text book or #3 on page 84 in the Skills Bank (the one we did together today on the board).

Secret Santa and Snacks for Friday

Many grade five students in the portable have asked to do a Secret Santa gift exchange.  So, we will do it on a voluntary basis on Friday this week.  Today, we have exchanged names.  I have set a five dollar limit on the value of any gifts given.  Gifts can be either home made or store bought and will be exhanged during Friday afternoon at school. 

Most students have also expressed an interest in bringing in some snacks to share for Friday.  I have asked them to think about what they’d like to bring and let me know by tomorrow (Tues, Dec. 18th) so that we can prepare ahead of time.  Again, bringing in snacks will be completely voluntary.