The idea of “lesser known”

In both grades four and five, we’re starting to use brainstorming methods (e.g. lists, sketches, graphic organizers) to sort through ideas for assignments, tasks and eventually projects that relate to the needs of each grade.  Recently, I’ve asked both grades to use the idea of “lesser known” when coming up with some ideas.  Let me explain…In grade four, I’ve asked for a poster by the end of this week that features information about a “Lesser Known” animal or plant in the Simcoe County Area.  Students are not to feature something like a maple tree, but rather a type of tree that maybe might surprise us.  In grade five, I’ve asked the students to talk to their family and see if they can brainstorm some “Lesser Known Laws” as a way of connecting to and then using ideas for their Social Studies unit that is beginning, called “Government in Canada”.

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